Picture of the author of the page

Hello and welcome to my page!

This is where I upload all of the HTML and JS projects I work on at school, so I can admire them later. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: ALL HTML code in the JS Warmup Assignments and VIOPE assignments is not written by me, but is provided to us students for educational use.
It is hosted on this site simply to demonstrate the JavaScript code I have written for the assignments.
Copying anything from here to use in assignments is plagiarism, don't do it :)

Responsive Media Tryouts


Romance of the Rose

Code in the responsive media tryouts is not fully originally written by me, only modified in accordance with the assignments

Javascript Warmup Assignments

JS Warmup Assignment 1

JS Warmup Assignment 2

JS Warmup Assignment 3

JS Warmup Assignment 4

JS Warmup Assignment 5

JavaScript Loop Warmup Assignments

JavaScript Loops

JavaScript Arrays

JavaScript Functions

VIOPE Part 1

One Button Exercise


VIOPE Part 2

Unit Fine

Summer Cottage Rent

Car Share Calculator

VIOPE Part 3

Agent's Fee

Player's Age

Package Comparison

BMI Calculator

Study Grant Calculator

Betting Game

Silly stuff

First Page

Goose Pic

Goose Info

By Benjamin Worton, 2023

Background gif by: xponentialdesign, Giphy